I trust that this writing once again finds you and your families well during these extraordinary times. Keeping our valued employees up to date on the latest developments and new protocols is important so that we get the right information out to everyone. While the school year was abruptly canceled as a result of COVID-19, we were recently informed that summer school for special needs students will be open. We are still gathering student rosters and hope to have routing detail available shortly so that we can be prepared for a July 6th start date.
While many of us have been unable to continue as normal, we still have team members working diligently to incorporate safeguards into our terminals and facilities to protect our valued employees from the spread of germs and disease with the guidance of the CDC and NYSDOH. Some of these safeguards include protective plexiglass barriers in our dispatch centers and safety signage throughout the workplace.
We worked closely with our Labor Unions to develop new protocols for personal protective equipment (PPE), physical distancing, and self-assessing for COVID-19. WE have a new COVID-19 HOTLINE for you to call if you need to report a positive test or need guidance regarding the pandemic. In our continuing efforts to provide the safest possible work environment for our employees, we will be providing transmittable disease prevention training classes for all employees over the next few months. Some photos from our first COVID-19 related training class have been posted below this article.
Our grab and go meal deliveries for the Commack and East Meadow School Districts have come to an end, however, the ESBOCES meal runs will continue throughout summer. All three programs were extremely successful because of the hard work of so many of our drivers and staff. On behalf of our entire organization, we thank you for making this program a winner and providing these essential meals for kids in our local communities!
We also received great feedback from many of you for our annual employee recognition awards for years of service and perfect attendance. Our Trainers recently delivered many of the awards to those employees who earned these distinguished milestones and many pictures of happy recipients were posted on social media for everyone to enjoy! Although we couldn’t deliver every award, we were able to mail some of them and the balance will be given out in the fall.
Thank you for your continued support and patience during these difficult times. Please stay safe and visit this blog for future updates. For anyone having difficulty with benefits or any other Human Resource related issues, representatives are available to help you. Please contact them at (516) 349-8200 for assistance.