Our valued employees are at the forefront of our decision making and we are especially mindful of what you are all experiencing because of the ongoing Coronavirus crisis. We feel that taking care of our people is of the utmost importance and we are leaving no stone unturned to continue paying everyone so that they can pay their bills and manage their daily lives without the anxiety of wondering where their next paycheck is coming from.

To help with the uneasiness of what we are all faced with we have decided to continue paying all Long Island and Westchester based employees their regular wages, up to eight hours per day, for next week ending 04/03/2020. We believe that the company being there for our valued employees in a time of need is what makes our organization understand the role it plays in the lives of people and our communities. We will continue to review this on a week to week basis.

Other developments in the Coronavirus crisis, as related to our company, include new information regarding payments to us by school districts and unemployment insurance. We continue to work closely with school districts to encourage them to continue paying us through this crisis so that we can continue to pay our employees and prevent any disruption of service when school resumes. Several school districts have committed to pay us until schools reopen. However, there are many that have not, which makes it difficult to make long term arrangements.

It is our hope that with the recent passing of the Federal Coronavirus Aid package, the remaining school districts will also make the commitment to pay us for the remainder of the school year. The school bus industry remains steadfast in working together to achieve a successful outcome for everyone that works in our business.

As of today, the Governor of New York announced that all Long Island and Westchester schools are closed until April 15th. The NYC and Bridgeport, CT schools are closed until April 20th. These closing dates may change again so please visit this blog here on our website for future updates.